Top Three Thursday!.. Almost...

Hello, Love's! 

I'm here for your latest Top Three Thursday! ...Er, I'm a bit late, but it's been a super busy day, and you all have big imaginations, don't you? Good, so let's just pretend it's still Thursday... Hemhem.

This week I'll tell you my Top Three favorite books on writing!

These are books that I find most helpful on all things Writerly, and I'll leave the Links to them all as well so you can check them out yourself!

        1. A Novel Idea; Best Advice on Writing Inspirational Fiction. There are many epic authors featured int his book, so it's not solely written by ONE person, and that's one of the things I absolutely love about this book. You can see so many different opinions and advice by so many wonderful writers!

This book is my first and favorite Go-To book for all things Writerly--it touches on literally everything, from the basics of plot, characters, dialogue, pacing, ect, to grammar, publishing and marketing. It's full of easy-to-read chapters and so much priceless information and inspiration. I've learned so much from this book, and have re-read it multiple times over!


         2.  The Emotion Thesaurus, by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. 

This book is exactly what it sounds like--a big book containing physical, emotional, mental responses and actions and thoughts to literally every single emotion you can possibly think of. Each page goes over a different emotion--such as Anger, Grief, Love, ect-- in such a quick and easy way. It's almost a cheat sheet, of sorts, for authors, and I look to this book for all of my quick needs, whether it be a description or a feeling, ect.

          3. The Creative Writer's Phrase-Finder, by Edward Prestwood.

This book is, in a small way, a bit like the Emotional Thesaurus, except instead of emotions, this book focuses more on physical elements. It's packed with pages full of descriptions and phrases--legit, it covers every single topic. It has phrases on faces and eyes and perfumes, and also landscapes, houses, thinking, voice, behavior, names, and a ton more categories, each with multiple prompts/descriptions on that topic.

It's a really handy book to get you going on something you can't quite describe, and gets your imagination flowing effortlessly.

So there you have it! There's my Top Three favorite books on writing!

What's your favorite Writing books? Have you ever heard of any of these?

Thank you for reading, and make sure to check back in a few days for something special!
