Where am I?

Hello dears!

Just popping in to say I'm very sorry for not blogging a bunch on here this months--I am participating in NaNoWriMo, AND I'm doing a daily vlog over at my Youtube Channel that you can see HERE!

So that's where I am, folks, but I would like to give a quick update on more personal things here real quick:

I went back to Lebonheurs not too long ago and had to become a robot. Seriously.

There were so many wires hooked up to me I just couldn't even deal. It was like I was a walking machine.

THEN they had me stand up and they started up the TREADMILL. YES. UGH.

So this thing INCLINED WHILE it sped up, so that was ridiculous.

Guesstimate, I was supposed to be able to run for 15 minutes, because of my age, but NOPE. NOPPITY NOPE.

They didn't even let me run longer than six minutes. THE SQUIGGLY LINES WERE OFF THE CHARTS! Literally. Ha.

So that DIDN'T go very well. They put me on medicine immediately to help, and I take it once a day.

Truthfully it doesn't seemed to be helping much. I mean, it probably is, but I sure can't tell.

I've still gotten really out of breath, except it's almost worse than before. I notice it now. I could just be literally laying in bed half asleep or sitting there writing, and I notice it's hard for me to breathe.

Also, walking in general has become a big NO for me. I'm basically bed ridden, but whatever.

At Walmart, I HAVE to be in one of those wheelchairs. It's awful, having to have your family push you around everywhere, but I have to admit it is fun getting to push myself down the isles when they're not paying attention, yelling that "I'm independent!" when in reality I can't even clean my room on my own. Ha. Hilarious.

So I've gotten a bit pathetic, but we've got three appointments schedules.

One is just sort of a check in with my new Doctor, and then another for an MRI, and then one more for the EP study.

Can't say I'm not shaken, but I'm not really scared, believe it or not. Not very anxious or nervous, really. Just sort of mind blown.

Like, this is me. This is my life. This is happening to me. It's hard to comprehend.

It seems like something that I would read or see with someone else. Another life.

But, nope, it's just me, being incredibly careful with myself to keep myself from breaking.

It is a serious thing, and I'm feeling very "egg shell okay", but I'm thankful that it's getting checked so quickly. I can't imagine if we didn't discover this now.

So, that's about it. Feel free to go on my Youtube and check everything out, perhaps SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE THE VIDEOS MAYBE IF YOU WANT TO HA

And I hope you all have a wonderful day!
